Tracey Harper Nutrition Consents and Waivers Agreement

I am excited to be booking you in for an Initial Consultation and to be working with you on your health journey.

However, before I book you in, I do need to provide you with and gain your agreement to, my Tracey Harper Nutrition Consents and Waivers. I’ve also provided you with a link to my Terms of Business below. Whilst I appreciate this may not be the most interesting reading, it is really important that you understand how I work – so please do spare a few moments to read through everything before ticking the boxes below.

  • I have read, understood and agree to abide by these Tracey Harper Nutrition Consents and Waivers as well as Tracey Harper Nutrition general Terms of Business (a full copy is available here). I agree that our professional relationship will be based on the content of these documents.
  • I declare that all the information I share during this professional relationship is confidential and to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
  • I have read and reviewed the Tracey Harper Nutrition Privacy Policy
  • Nutritional Therapy (Functional Nutrition) is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance and individual care. Nutritional Therapy and Functional Nutrition practitioners use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns. This approach allows them to work with individuals to address nutritional balance and help support the body towards maintaining health.
  • Nutritional Therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and wellbeing.
  • Practitioners consider each individual to be unique and recommend personalised nutrition and lifestyle programmes rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
  • Practitioners never recommend Nutritional Therapy as a replacement for medical advice and always refer any client with ‘red flag’ signs or symptoms to their medical professional. They will also frequently work alongside a medical professional and will communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in the client’s care to explain any Nutritional Therapy programme that has been provided.
  • I am not a doctor or dietician and am not permitted to diagnose, or claim to treat, medical conditions. Nutritional advice is not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment.
  • The degree of benefit obtainable from Nutritional Therapy (Functional Nutrition) and Functional Medicine approaches may vary between clients with similar health problems and following a similar Nutritional Therapy (Functional Nutrition) programme.
  • Nutritional advice will be tailored to support health conditions and/or health concerns identified and agreed between both parties.
  • Tracey Harper is CNHC Registered. Standards of professional practice in Nutritional Therapy are governed by the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) Code of Conduct. CNHC is the national voluntary register for healthcare practitioners in the UK. For more information, please see
  • Tracey Harper is BANT Registered. The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) is a professional body for Registered Nutrition Practitioners. BANT practitioners have met required standards of training, are fully insured and adhere to the CNHC Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics and the BANT Professional Practice Handbook. For more information, please see
  • Tracey Harper is a Member of the Institute for Functional Medicine.  She is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. For more information on Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition please see
  • Tracey Harper Nutrition uses a Functional Medicine approach to health with Nutritional Therapy (Functional Nutrition) as the cornerstone of each and every client programme.
  • The concept of Functional Medicine shifts the traditional disease-centred focus to a more client-centred approach, addressing the whole person rather than an isolated set of symptoms. Functional Medicine practitioners spend a substantial amount of time with their clients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions between genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.
  • Functional Medicine is an integrative approach to health. It creates a focus on prevention through nutrition, diet and lifestyle. We make use of the latest functional laboratory testing. We frequently work with and make referrals to the medical profession. We make, as appropriate, recommendations for botanical medicines, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programmes, stress management techniques and other lifestyle modifications.
  • Functional Nutrition emphasises the importance of high-quality foods and phytonutrient diversity to address clinical imbalances and move individuals towards the highest expression of health. Advanced nutrition assessment and a thorough Functional Medicine based history and analysis leads to a personalised therapeutic intervention created to promote optimal health and prevent diet and lifestyle-related disease.
  • Functional Nutrition is the core modality of Functional Medicine. A Functional Nutrition Analysis allows for nutrition-related findings and clinical patterns to emerge. From a medical history, laboratory and physical tests and a diet and lifestyle review, we are able to highlight individual insufficiencies/imbalances in protein, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.
  • As a Tracey Harper Nutrition client you are an active partner with me. Tracey Harper Nutrition integrates Functional Nutrition Analysis at the molecular and cellular levels with emerging research in nutrition and nutritional genomics. This allows you to be in charge of improving your own health and potentially changing the outcome of disease.
  • During Tracey Harper Nutrition Consultations I undertake to counsel and educate you on appropriate, therapeutic lifestyle and dietary modifications which may include food plans, exercise, sleep and stress management recommendations.
  • During Tracey Harper Nutrition Consultations I undertake to optionally recommend appropriate Functional Laboratory Testing and/or nutritional food supplement plans to you as part of your Tracey Harper Nutrition Programme.
  • During Tracey Harper Nutrition Consultations I undertake to support and monitor your progress over a pre-agreed defined time period.
  • During Tracey Harper Nutrition Consultations I undertake to keep detailed consultation notes in accordance with the Tracey Harper Nutrition Privacy Policy and Data Protection regulations.
  • You are responsible for contacting your GP about any health concerns. Nutritional Therapy (Functional Nutrition) is not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment.
  • I may ask that you seek medical advice prior to starting work with Tracey Harper Nutrition or at any point during work with Tracey Harper Nutrition. It is important, and it is your responsibility that you do this once we have made this recommendation.
  • If you are receiving treatment from your GP, or any other medical provider, it is your responsibility to tell him/her about your Tracey Harper Nutrition programme. This is necessary because of possible reactions between medications and your programme.
  • Prior to your Initial Consultation with me, you are required to fully complete online Functional Medicine Analysis Intake forms, which I will email to you, comprising medical history, current health symptoms, medication and supplement details and dietary and lifestyle information including a Food Journal. These forms are entirely confidential. It is important that all of the information provided on your Tracey Harper Nutrition Intake Forms and during Consultations is accurate with no omissions. Existing diagnosed medical conditions and medications must be fully disclosed within your forms.
  • Your Functional Medicine Analysis Intake Forms must be emailed to me at least three working days prior to your appointment. If they are not submitted by this time your appointment may be rescheduled.
  • Payment details are required at the time of your appointment booking and payment will be taken at this point (with the exception of pre-paid packages).
  • Please be courteous and provide 24 hours’ notice for cancellation of appointments. This helps to ensure that I can meet the needs of my clients who may be waiting for an appointment. Cancellations made within 24 hours of your appointment time will be charged at the full consultation rate.
  • Refunds are entirely at the discretion of Tracey Harper Nutrition. Refunds may be granted on purchased packages within 14 days of payment less the full cost of any consultations already taken.
  • It is important that you continue to update me with any new medical diagnosis (including pregnancy), medications, herbal medicines, or food supplements you are taking as this may affect your Tracey Harper Nutrition programme recommendations. Please notify me in advance of taking any medications, herbal medicines or other food supplements so that we may adjust your programme accordingly.
  • I may request that, you resubmit and review some of your Functional Medicine Analysis Intake Forms at specific points during your programme, usually before a Review Consultation or if your circumstances have changed or if I have not seen you recently in our Clinic. This is so that I am able to monitor your progress objectively and also so that your information remains current and accurate.
  • If you are unclear about any aspect of your agreed Tracey Harper Nutrition Programme (including dietary recommendations, food supplement doses and timing) you should contact me promptly via email for clarification.
  • You understand that your programme and advice given is personal to you only and may not be appropriate for others.
  • You understand that success of your Tracey Harper Nutrition programme is not guaranteed. Movement towards, and achievement of your health goals is dependent on many factors, including the amount of effort you put into your programme as well as compliance with the recommendations given.
  • Your Tracey Harper Nutrition Programme is recommended for a defined time period only. It is your responsibility to contact me should you wish to continue any specified supplement programme and/or dietary modifications for longer than the original agreed period, to avoid any potential adverse reactions.
  • Recording consultations using any form of electronic media is not allowed without my knowledge, prior agreement and express written permission.
  • Children are taken on as clients on a case-by-case basis. Before booking, please contact me at to see if your child can be accepted into the Tracey Harper Nutrition Clinic.
  • If an appointment is booked for a child under the age of 16 you must be the parent/legal guardian and give consent for your child to attend the consultation with me. You must take full responsibility for acting on the advice received on behalf of any of the child’s other parent/ legal guardians. You also agree that you have sought appropriate medical help from your GP or a specialist medical practitioner prior to attending a consultation with Tracey Harper Nutrition and understand that the advice given today in no way takes the place of advice that can be given by qualified medical practitioners.
  • You accept that the ultimate responsibility for your health care is your own

I have read, I acknowledge, and I agree to Tracey Harper Nutrition Consents and Waivers above.

I have read, I acknowledge, and I agree to Tracey Harper Nutrition Terms of Business and have accessed it via the link provided above

I consent to my sensitive information being shared with healthcare providers including my GP, whose details I have provided or will provide, in order to support my on-going healthcare. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by emailing

I consent to my contact information being shared with biochemical testing companies, some of which may be outside of the European Union, if I proceed with functional testing. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by emailing

I consent to be contacted by Tracey Harper Nutrition via email, including newsletters, information on upcoming events and relevant promotional offers. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

In less than 6 months Tracey has helped me transform my health. For many years I have been working to try and resolve chronic health issues, with some success, but not enough. I was tired of being exhausted, having seemingly random but severe intolerant reactions to food and lesser, albeit draining, symptoms. I had tried everything, educating myself about gut health, excluding different things from my diet, having intolerance tests, trying different supplements, basically an amateur process of trial and error. I had seen another nutritionist and had cut out gluten (more or less), tried excluding cow’s milk products, given up alcohol and had a pretty ‘clean’ diet, but I was still far from healthy. So, when I turned to Tracey for expert help, I have to confess that my expectations weren’t very high. I assumed that there would be a few tweaks and I would have to just put up with suboptimal health.

Right from our free 15 minute discovery conversation, my hopes were raised and I had immediate confidence in Tracey’s deep knowledge combined with her rigorous, empathetic approach. I could have cried (in fact I think I did).  For the first time, I believed I would have some well-founded answers and a path to better health and wellbeing. We embarked on a structured process of detailed evaluation, testing, discovery, learning and partnership. Tracey took me on a deep dive of my medical history and educated me about crucial linkages in health events and symptoms that I had never known. I learned a lot about my thyroid condition, thyroid function and even the fact that I had an auto-immune condition, which had never been explained to me in 25+ years. The crucial link with gluten was explained and I learned the science behind it, no longer relying on my best-guess. My current medical symptoms and metabolic state were assessed in detail, giving a base reading which was more shocking than I had appreciated. Various lab tests were conducted which provided evidence of the source of my problems. My progress was measured regularly which I found very compelling Tracey explained key concepts so I understood the ‘why’ of recommendations particularly relevant to my health, shared articles, provided great recipes and has supported me through manageable step-by-step change. As I changed my diet and took relevant supplements, I was able to come off unnecessary medication (including long-term steroids). I am still trying new meal ideas and trying to expand my diet repertoire. It does take some work, but it is so worth it.

So in less than 6 months I have gone from all-over inflammation, chronic lethargy, leaky gut, major digestion problems, constant rhinitis, aching joints, poor immunity, brain fog, feeling washed out and looking pale…..(I could go on)…… to feeling and looking like a new person. I have so much more energy now, my gut is happy, my brain is sharp, my skin is bright, my airways are clear, I feel balanced and vibrant. I feel so much better than I had hoped for. I highly recommend Tracey to anyone who wishes to transform their health. Thank you so much.
